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Challenges: Ukraine currently has 1 million military personnel. 95% are men. War has caused many casualties. An estimated 100,000 men have died in the war to date. Each of them is someone’s son, husband, or father.
Our response: Faith in Jesus Christ and the certainty of the future resurrection offers the greatest strength and hope for surviving family members. So, the church is well-positioned to provide practical help to people whose relatives have been killed serving their country. Indeed, losing a husband, father, and breadwinner is a difficult loss to overcome alone.
This loss can be filled only by the love of God, faith in the resurrection, constant psychological support, and intercessory prayer from caring people.
Provide comprehensive care for 1000 women who are military wives and mothers focusing on 5 main areas:
- 1. Psychological support
- 2. Group Bible studies
- 3. Counseling and training
- 4. Humanitarian assistance
- 5. Legal support
James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to look upon orphans and widows in their afflictions, and to keep oneself pure from the world.
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